Send Greetings to a Patient
At PSFDH, we know how important it is to keep in contact with family or friends. Patient mail is delivered on a regular basis. Your incoming mail should be clearly labeled. If the patient has been discharged, any mail received after discharge will be returned to sender.
PSFDH is pleased to offer an e-mail service for patients. Please provide the patient’s name and room number (if known). PSFDH also requires your name and e-mail address.
Your message will be printed and delivered to the patient. If the patient has been discharged, we will make every effort to send your message to them. Please note that we do not provide a means for the recipient to reply to your message.
Treat your mail as if it were a postcard. Do not include anything in the message that you would not put on a postcard. To send a message, complete this form and click on ‘send’.
Send An E-Card To A Patient
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*What site is the patient at?:
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