Keeping Our Patients Safe

The Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital (PSFDH) has established a strong commitment to Patient Safety and Quality. Our Patient Safety program is designed to align and support our mission, vision and values and our philosophy of patient and family centeredness.

PSFDH’s public safety indicators are reported through Health Quality Ontario (HQO). To learn more about HQO, as well as PSFDH’s patient safety public reporting, please visit the HQO website.


Patient Safety Events

In the event that you suffer a patient safety event while in hospital, we will thoroughly investigate the incident. We will involve you and your family members in the discussion and guarantee transparency and full disclosure. The concepts outlined in the Apology Act also apply. We make every effort to prevent incidents or errors, but if they do occur, we will make the necessary process changes to prevent future issues.  

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antimicrobial Stewardship is a patient safety practice that ensures optimal use of antibiotics.  Through this practice the risk of being exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria is reduced and ensures you receive the right antibiotic in the right way for the right length of time.


Here are some tips you can do at home to ensure antibiotics are used correctly:  

  • Use antibiotics wisely: Don’t expect to get antibiotics every time you have a respiratory infection.  Know when it’s effective to use antibiotics and don’t use them for viral infections such as colds, flu, coughs, and most sore throats.  Even with some bacterial infections, you will usually recover just as quickly without antibiotics
  • Treat viral infections responsibly: Don’t pressure your doctor for antibiotics when you have a viral infection.  Instead, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about ways to feel better when you are ill.  There are medicines you can take to relieve your symptoms.
  • Take antibiotics exactly as prescribed:  If you are prescribed antibiotics, follow the dose and schedule instructions exactly.  Finish all the antibiotics you are given, even if you start to feel better.  Do not share them with someone else or save them for another time.
  • Never take antibiotics without a prescription:  In many countries, it is possible to get antibiotics without a prescription. Using antibiotics when you don’t need them is a significant contributor to antibiotic resistance and will not make you feel better.
  • Stay at home if you’re sick:  Prevent the spread of germs by staying at home when you’re sick, washing your hands frequently, and practicing good hygiene.

Patient Safety Fact Sheets

  • For more information on C-Difficile - click here.
  • For more information on MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) - click here.